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LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pics post BC

For all those women who believe light skin girls don't have kinky hair... let me tell you that is a lie. I think I have the kinkiest hair ever and I experience a lot of shrinkage. However, this is my hair and it is healthy despite what media tells you what healthy hair is. I love my hair. I continue to fall in love with it as I learn more about it. For girls thinking about BCing or Transitioning. I support you and wish you the best in your journey. If you ever want to ask me anything feel free :) What I can tell you is that the BC has been one of the most liberating experiences in my life. I am no longer timid and I fear nothing. I may not be able to give a speech in front of a class without stuttering but I'm no longer afraid to be seen and heard. I no longer care about what people think about me. Because at the end of the day I love myself and that requires no outside validation. I'm a beautiful, strong, 6ft tall, 224 pound, black woman and I am not ashamed of myself or my body. I hope one day all people are able to feel as confident as I do.

Tips for BC/Transitioners:
  • Never buy tons of products at one time. You are not experienced enough to know what works for YOUR hair. Experiment with different things before buying tons of products. You will end up wasting money and having tons of products that don't work for you. (This happened to me)
  • Natural hair can be a lot of work at time. But trust me it is definitely worth while. Despite misconceptions about black people having slow growing hair. That is LIE. Black hair grows just as fast as any other hair. The reason why black hair doesn't seem to grow is because a lot of black women are shamed, taught, and conditioned that straight hair is where its at and continue to do unnatural things to their hair and that is why it doesn't grow as quickly. If white/asian/hispanic people continuously permed their hair to make it curly, got extensions, braids, etc. Their hair would be damaged too and wouldn't grow as fast. 
  • BE PATIENT. Before you know it you will have long healthy and curly locks ^^ (My hair is almost or already at my shoulder O.o It used to take me YEARS for my hair to get to my shoulder after I cut it xD) 

1 month after big chop:                                                    8/9 months after big chop:

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